Dave Made A Maze Connected 1080P Online

Dave Made A Maze Connected 1080P Online







Cast=Meera Rohit Kumbhani

writers=Steven Sears

Runtime=80 Min

Ratings=6,6 of 10




Dave Made a Maze.
Official website.

Firstly, it's technically a "labyrinth" not a maze. br> Dave builds a labyrinth in his lounge room from cardboard boxes. His girlfriend comes home and finds a number of boxes put together to make what can best be described as a children's fort. However, it is in fact, a multi-dimensional creation.
When people enter the first box, they actually enter a larger than life creation (a bit like a TARDIS where the space is bigger on the inside than the outside.
The people who enter want to explore more, only to find that they are being tracked by the Minotaur and, dodging a series of booby traps inside the creation (which take out a few unlucky individuals) there is no blood when they die, just red streamers.
This is a very quirky movie and an absolute delight to watch.
Ignore the negative reviews and treat yourself to this indie movie and enjoy.